What Are the Top Design Highlights of Tesla Powerwall 3?

At Ceiba Renewables, we’re excited to introduce the Tesla Powerwall 3 — a next-generation battery that not only eliminates rare earth metals but offers remarkable flexibility with its programmable inverter. This feature helps us navigate the unknowns of the G99 application process required by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) when installing Powerwalls, ensuring your home can safely integrate with your home and disconnect from the grid during outages.

The Powerwall 3 charges at 5kW but can output up to 11.04kW to power your home from solar energy or export to the grid (subject to DNO approval). These capabilities optimise energy use, reduce grid dependency, and offer savings.

In this post, we’ll break down key design considerations to help you understand how the Powerwall’s settings work together to maximise your system’s efficiency.

Key Tesla Powerwall 3 Components


Solar PV kWp Rating

The kilowatt-peak (kWp) rating measures your solar panels’ maximum output under optimal conditions. A 6kWp solar system, for example, can produce up to 6kW in peak sunlight, helping meet your household power needs and storing excess energy.

G99 application image

G99 Setting: Battery Output to the House

The G99 setting determines how much power the Powerwall can send to your home & the grid. The Powerwall 3 can supply up to 11.04kW, but this will require approval from your DNO. Once the DNO have assessed the application, the output might need to be limited to 3.68kW, 5kW, 6kW, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11.04kW to comply with DNO requirements.

G100 Export Limit Setting

The G100 limit governs how much excess energy can be exported back to the grid. Depending on local grid rules, this limit may be set at 3.68kW but could go as high as 11.04kW with DNO approval. Any solar energy produced beyond this limit is “clipped,” meaning it’s neither used nor exported.

Battery Charge Rate

The Powerwall 3 charges at a rate of 5kW, allowing it to efficiently store energy from solar panels or the grid for later use.

Real-World Example: Gerry’s Setup

Let’s take Gerry as an example:

  • Solar PV Setup: 13.2kWp solar panels (10kW West-facing, 3.2kW South-facing).
  • Powerwall 3: Storing excess solar energy.
  • G100 Export Limit: 3.68kW.
solar panel installation planned design 13.2kWp

Image: Gerry’s Solar System

On a sunny day, his panels might produce up to 13kW. The Powerwall charges at 5kW, leaving 8kW for household use or export. If Gerry’s home only uses 1kW at the time, 7kW is available for export, but due to the 3.68kW export limit, 3.32kW will be clipped.

Clipping: What It Means for Your System

Clipping happens when your system produces more solar power than can be used in the home and exported. In Gerry’s case, 3.32kW was clipped. Although this might sound like a loss, it only occurs during peak production meanwhile in lower light conditions the PV system can produce more power than a lower output system. Homeowners can also offset clipping by using excess energy for high-demand activities like charging an electric vehicle (EV). The Tesla Wall Charger and Zappi EV Chargers are ideal for this!

Future-Proofing Your Tesla Powerwall 3 Setup

To prepare for future energy needs:

  • Cable Sizing: Use the right cables (e.g., 16mm² for an 11.04kW output) to handle future Powerwall upgrades.
  • G99 Applications: To unlock the full 11.04kW output, you’ll need DNO approval. This process can take time and isn’t always guaranteed, but it can enhance your system’s flexibility and potential for financial returns, especially with energy trading.

Key Takeaways

When designing your Tesla Powerwall 3 system:

  • Lower output settings ensure regulatory compliance but may limit energy use and exports.
  • Higher solar PV ratings generate more energy but could lead to clipping during peak production.
  • Your system’s settings will depend on your energy needs, local DNO requirements, and future goals.

Choosing the 11.04kW output option may require extra time for DNO approval, and we may need to resubmit applications if approval is denied.

Next Steps

We’ll tailor your Tesla Powerwall 3 system based on your specific needs and DNO limitations. Here’s an example of how your settings might look:

Setting Example Value
Solar PV Rating (kWp) 13.2kW
Battery Output (G99) 11.04kW
Export Limit (G100) 3.68kW
Battery Charge Rate 5kW

Feel free to reach out with any questions or to learn more about optimising your Tesla Powerwall 3 system!

Battery Storage and Solar PV Systems: The Key to Renewable Energy Savings

Harnessing the combined power of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and battery storage technology can lead to substantial savings on energy costs, while simultaneously contributing to a sustainable and eco-friendly environment. The integration of these two technologies can maximise the utilisation of renewable energy, reducing your reliance on the grid and lowering your carbon footprint.

In this comprehensive guide, Ceiba Renewables will explore the synergistic benefits of combining battery storage solutions with solar PV systems for domestic and commercial applications. We will discuss the financial benefits and savings potential that this integration offers, while also highlighting the advantages of always-available renewable energy. Our objective is to inform and prepare you for the future of renewable energy technology, promoting sustainable living and positive environmental impact.

Ceiba Renewables is passionate about empowering homeowners and businesses with expert guidance, design, consultancy, project management, and installation services for renewable energy systems. With a focus on innovative solar PV and battery storage technologies, we aim to pave the way towards a cleaner, greener, and more efficient energy future in the UK. 

By partnering with Ceiba Renewables, you can confidently invest in technologies that maximise the cost savings potential of renewable energy while also making a positive environmental impact.

The Power of Combining Battery Storage and Solar PV Systems

Integrating battery storage with solar PV systems unlocks the potential of renewable energy technology to deliver considerable savings and an always-available clean energy source:

  • Energy Independence: By storing the excess solar-generated electricity in battery storage systems, you can reduce your reliance on the grid, providing you with a greater degree of energy independence and resilience in the face of power outages or disruptions.
  • Maximising Solar Energy Utilisation: Battery storage enables you to obtain the full value of your solar-generated electricity by storing and utilising solar energy during times of low sunlight or peak energy demand, reducing the amount of grid electricity consumed and lowering your energy bills.
  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: The combined use of solar PV systems and battery storage results in lower greenhouse gas emissions and a reduced carbon footprint, making a positive contribution to climate change mitigation and a greener environment.

Financial Benefits and Cost Savings of Battery Storage and Solar PV Systems

The integration of battery storage with solar PV systems provides various financial advantages, which can boost your savings on energy costs:

  • Lower Energy Bills: Storing solar-generated electricity in battery storage systems allows you to utilise clean energy efficiently, reducing your need to purchase and consume grid electricity. This results in lower energy bills, creating substantial savings over the long-term.
  • Feed-In Tariffs and Smart Export Guarantee (SEG): If you generate more solar electricity than you can consume or store, you can sell the excess electricity back to the grid. In the UK, this can be done through the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) scheme, which provides financial compensation for the excess solar energy exported.
  • Investment Payback Period: Although the initial investment in a combined solar PV and battery storage system can seem substantial, the cost savings can offset the investment over time. In many cases, homeowners and businesses can recover their investment in as little as six to ten years.

Choosing the Right Battery Storage System for Your Solar PV Setup

Selecting an appropriate battery storage solution for your solar PV system can seem daunting. However, understanding the key factors to consider will help you make an informed decision:

  • Battery Type: The two main types of battery storage solutions are lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries. Lithium-ion batteries offer a longer lifespan, better performance and efficiency, and lighter weight, making them the preferred choice for most solar PV system applications.
  • Battery Capacity: The capacity of your battery storage system should align with your energy consumption patterns, solar PV system size, and the amount of excess solar energy you expect to generate. When selecting your battery system, it’s crucial to assess your specific needs and requirements.
  • System Compatibility: It is essential to ensure that your chosen battery storage system is compatible with your solar PV system’s components, such as the inverter and the solar panels. Consult with an expert in renewable energy, like Ceiba Renewables, to ensure a seamless and efficient integration.

Best Practices for Extending the Lifespan and Efficiency of Your Battery Storage System

To ensure you get the most value from your battery storage and solar PV system, it’s vital to maintain and optimise its performance:

  • Proper Installation: A professionally installed and meticulously designed battery storage system is crucial for maximising its lifespan and efficiency. Enlisting a trusted expert like Ceiba Renewables will guarantee an installation that aligns with your specific needs and requirements.
  • Monitoring Performance: Continuously monitoring the performance of your battery storage system allows you to identify any potential issues or inefficiencies early on and address them promptly.
  • Temperature Management: Battery storage systems, particularly lithium-ion batteries, have an optimal temperature range for maximum efficiency and lifespan. Ensuring adequate ventilation and temperature control around the battery storage system will help maintain its performance and extend its life.


Pairing solar PV systems with battery storage technology presents a powerful solution for homeowners and businesses seeking to maximise renewable energy savings, achieve greater energy independence, and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. By understanding the financial benefits, choosing the appropriate battery storage system, and implementing best practices for installation and maintenance, you can unlock the true potential of renewable energy technology.

Ceiba Renewables is passionate about promoting renewable energy solutions such as solar PV and battery storage that deliver significant savings on energy expenses, empowering homeowners and businesses to transition to a cleaner, more efficient energy future. Partner with Ceiba Renewables for expert guidance, design, consultancy, project management, and installation of your integrated battery storage and solar PV system, and confidently invest in a sustainable and eco-friendly energy solution.

A Practical Guide to Solar PV and Battery Storage for Agricultural Businesses

The agricultural industry possesses enormous potential for harnessing the power of solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery storage systems. By tapping into this clean and renewable energy source, agricultural businesses can significantly reduce their energy overheads and maintain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market. Additionally, adopting solar PV and battery storage systems contributes to environmental sustainability, an essential aspect of modern farming practices in the face of climate change and shifting consumer preferences.

In this comprehensive article, we will provide a practical guide to implementing solar PV and battery storage systems in agricultural businesses. Geared towards farm owners and managers, this guide will explore essential aspects of solar PV and battery storage applications in agriculture, including system sizing, design considerations, and regulatory requirements. Furthermore, we will delve into the financial benefits, environmental advantages, and practical use cases specific to the agricultural industry.

With big expenses such as equipment, labour, and fertiliser, the bottom line in agriculture matters. As energy costs continue to rise, implementing solar PV and battery storage systems presents an enticing opportunity for farmers to cut energy expenses while promoting environmental stewardship. From powering essential farm infrastructure like irrigation systems, greenhouses, and milking facilities to providing lighting and electricity for remote locations, solar PV and battery storage systems are versatile and adaptable to various agricultural settings.

Determining System Size and Key Design Considerations

In order to maximise the benefits of solar PV and battery storage systems for your agricultural business, it is important to carefully assess your energy needs and consider several key design factors:

  1. Energy Consumption Evaluation: Analyse your farm’s historical energy consumption, peak demand periods, and projected growth to help determine the optimal size and capacity for your solar PV and battery storage system. A tailored approach ensures that your system is both cost-effective and suited to your specific requirements.
  2. Site Selection and Assessment: Choose appropriate locations for both the solar PV panels and battery storage units by consulting with professionals. Factors to consider include proper orientation, potential shading, and existing farm infrastructure. Additionally, assess the structural integrity of rooftops for solar PV installations and ensure there is adequate ventilation for battery storage units.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Be aware of any relevant regulations and requirements governing the installation of solar PV and battery storage systems on agricultural properties. This may involve obtaining necessary permits, adhering to zoning restrictions, and meeting health and safety standards.

Financial Benefits and Incentives for Solar PV and Battery Storage in Agriculture

Investing in solar PV and battery storage systems can bring significant financial benefits to your agricultural business, including energy cost savings and various government incentives:

  1. Reduced Energy Overheads: By generating and storing your own solar energy, your farm can cut electricity expenses, leading to long-term operational cost savings. This is particularly beneficial for energy-intensive agricultural operations like dairy farming, poultry production, or horticulture.
  2. Grid Independence and Energy Security: By utilising battery storage systems, your farm can reduce its reliance on the grid and insulate itself from volatile energy prices. Moreover, energy stored in batteries can act as a backup power supply during grid outages, ensuring farm operations run smoothly.
  3. Government Incentives: Agricultural businesses should take advantage of available government schemes and incentives that encourage the adoption of renewable energy solutions like solar PV and battery storage. These incentives can offset installation costs and promote the generation and storage of renewable energy.

Environmental Advantages and Sustainability in Agriculture

Investing in solar PV and battery storage systems can greatly contribute to environmental sustainability and responsible farming practices:

  1. Lower Carbon Footprint: Solar PV systems generate electricity without producing greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a reduction in your farm’s carbon footprint. By choosing a renewable energy source, your business can actively support efforts to mitigate climate change.
  2. Eco-Friendly Branding: Customers and supply-chain partners are becoming increasingly conscientious about environmental sustainability. By adopting renewable energy solutions, your farm can appeal to environmentally-conscious stakeholders, differentiating itself in the marketplace as a sustainable and responsible business.
  3. Land Preservation: Solar PV systems can be integrated into existing farm structures, such as rooftops or even mounted on agricultural land in a way that preserves soil fertility. This dual-purpose approach allows farms to utilise their land efficiently while minimising environmental impact.

Practical Use Cases for Solar PV and Battery Storage in Agriculture

Solar PV and battery storage systems can be effectively implemented in a variety of agricultural settings and operations:

  1. Irrigation and Pumping Systems: Solar PV systems can power electric pumps for irrigation systems, ensuring consistent water supply and reducing reliance on diesel-powered generators. Battery storage systems can store excess solar energy for later use, enabling operation during evening hours or periods of cloud cover.
  2. Greenhouses: Solar PV and battery storage can supply electricity for heating, ventilation, and artificial lighting systems within greenhouses. This allows for improved energy efficiency, reduced operational costs, and a more sustainable agricultural environment.
  3. Livestock Facilities: From milking equipment to temperature control and lighting, solar PV and battery storage systems can help power energy-intensive livestock facilities. By powering these operations with clean energy, farms can enhance both animal welfare and environmental sustainability.
  4. Remote Locations: Farms often have remote locations that require electricity for security systems, lighting, or monitoring equipment. Solar PV and battery storage systems can provide an independent and reliable source of energy for these off-grid locations, eliminating the need for costly grid connections or fuel-powered generators.


Solar PV and battery storage systems offer agricultural businesses an excellent opportunity to reduce energy costs, enhance environmental sustainability, and improve overall operational efficiency. By carefully assessing energy needs, selecting the right system size, and considering key design factors, your agricultural business can reap the benefits of these renewable energy solutions. Ceiba Renewables is committed to supporting your farm’s transition to a more sustainable and efficient future. Contact us to tap into our expertise and experience in designing and implementing solar PV and battery storage systems tailored to your specific agricultural needs.

Exploring Energy Storage Solutions for Scotland: Choosing the Right Battery Storage System for Your Home or Business

Energy storage is a hot topic these days, especially in Scotland where the push for renewable energy is stronger than ever. But let’s face it, the world of energy storage can be a bit intimidating. There’s a lot to consider: What kind of storage system do you need? What’s the best choice for your home or business?

We’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of energy storage solutions in Scotland, with a particular focus on battery storage systems. From the basics of how these systems work to the factors you need to consider when choosing one, we’ve got you covered. 

Whether you’re a homeowner looking to reduce your carbon footprint or a business owner aiming to make your operations more sustainable, this guide will provide the insights you need to make an informed decision.

How to Choose the Best Battery Storage System 

1. Understanding the Role of Battery Storage in Enhancing Your Renewable Energy System

Battery storage systems have revolutionised the way we consume and manage renewable energy, providing numerous benefits to home and business owners. Before diving into the different types of battery storage systems, it’s essential to understand their role in renewable energy systems:


  • Excess Energy Storage: A battery storage system allows you to store excess solar energy generated during the day, which can then be used during the evening or when solar generation is low, ensuring continued access to clean energy.
  • Grid Independence: With battery storage, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and potentially achieve energy independence, thus lowering your energy costs and providing a more stable and self-sufficient energy source.
  • Uninterrupted Power Supply: Battery storage can act as a backup power source during grid outages, ensuring that your home or business has a consistent and reliable source of power, even during unforeseen circumstances.
  • Load Shifting: Battery storage enables you to manage and shift your energy consumption patterns by storing solar energy during off-peak times and utilising it during high demand hours, maximising energy savings and efficiency.

2. Comparing Battery Storage Technologies: Which Type Fits Your Needs?

There are several types of battery storage systems available, and choosing the right one for your needs can be a complex task. Some of the most popular battery storage technologies include:

  • Lithium-ion Batteries: Currently the most common and widely used battery storage technology, lithium-ion batteries boast a high energy density, long cycle life, and substantial efficiency. They are well-suited to residential and commercial installations due to their compact size, lightweight structure, and low maintenance requirements.
  • Lead Acid Batteries: A tried-and-tested technology, lead-acid batteries provide cost-effective energy storage solutions. However, they have a lower energy density, shorter cycle life, and require regular maintenance compared to lithium-ion batteries.
  • Flow Batteries: Flow batteries employ a unique, liquid-based energy storage method, providing a scalable and long-lasting energy storage option. Although typically associated with larger installations, flow batteries are increasingly being explored for residential applications.

When choosing a battery storage technology, consider factors such as space, maintenance requirements, efficiency, and budget to ensure an ideal fit for your home or business in Scotland.

3. Evaluating Key Performance Metrics of Battery Storage Systems

To choose the right battery storage solution, it’s essential to understand and compare key performance metrics, including:

  • Capacity: The capacity, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), signifies the amount of energy that can be stored in the battery. Ensure that your chosen battery storage system has sufficient capacity to cater to your energy needs during times when solar generation is low.
  • Depth of Discharge (DoD): DoD refers to the percentage of the battery’s total capacity that can be discharged before it requires recharging. Higher DoD values allow you to utilise more of the stored energy, increasing your battery’s effectiveness and extending its lifespan.
  • Round-trip Efficiency: Assess the battery’s round-trip efficiency, which indicates the percentage of energy retained during the charge and discharge process. Higher efficiency values result in more stored energy available for use.

4. Financial Considerations when Choosing a Battery Storage System

Investing in a battery storage system can significantly benefit your energy efficiency and overall energy costs; however, it’s crucial to consider the financial aspects, such as:

  • Initial Cost: Evaluate your budget and choose a battery storage system that aligns with your financial capabilities. Be mindful of additional costs, such as installation, permits, and warranties.
  • Cost Per Kilowatt-hour: Calculate the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of the battery storage system by dividing its initial cost by its capacity and expected lifespan. This value enables you to compare different battery storage options based on their long-term financial implications.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Assess the potential ROI of your battery storage system by considering factors such as energy savings, reduced grid reliance, and possible energy export to the national grid, ensuring that your investment delivers value.

Understanding the Importance of Energy Storage Solutions in Scotland

The future of Scotland’s energy landscape looks promising with the advent of these diverse battery storage systems and the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of battery storage systems in Scotland, ensuring seamless integration into your renewable energy setup. Get in touch with Ceiba Renewables today to learn more about our battery storage solutions and how we can tailor them to meet your specific needs!

7 Expert Tips to Maximise Renewable Energy System Efficiency

Investing in a renewable energy system for your home or business comes with numerous benefits, such as lower energy bills, reduced carbon footprint, and even potential income through government incentives. However, to truly maximise these benefits, it’s essential to ensure the efficiency and performance of your renewable energy system are optimised. Ceiba Renewables is committed to providing guidance and support, enabling you to make the most of your green energy investment.

In this article, we will share seven expert tips from our team, which will help you enhance the performance, efficiency, and reliability of your renewable energy system. These tips are applicable to various renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and heat pumps. By implementing these best practices, you can not only save more on your energy bills but also contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Energy Efficiency Audit: Assess Your Current Performance

The first step towards maximising your renewable energy system’s efficiency is conducting a thorough energy efficiency audit. An audit helps you identify areas in your property where energy wastage occurs and provides insight into potential improvements. By addressing these inefficiencies, you can reduce energy consumption and enhance the performance of your renewable energy system.

Some areas to consider during an energy audit include:

  1. Insulation: Check the insulation levels in your property’s walls, attic, and floors. Proper insulation prevents heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, reducing the demand on your heating and cooling systems.
  2. Ventilation: Ensure that your property has adequate ventilation, allowing for efficient air circulation, moisture control, and a healthy indoor environment.
  3. Appliances: Evaluate the energy efficiency of your appliances and consider upgrading to energy-saving models where possible.
  4. Lighting: Switch to energy-efficient LED light bulbs and make sure to turn off lights when not in use.

Optimal System Sizing and Design

A renewable energy system’s size and design play a crucial role in its overall efficiency. For instance, a solar panel system should be designed according to your property’s orientation, roof space, and energy consumption needs to ensure optimal performance.

When determining the appropriate size for your renewable energy system, make sure to consult with an expert provider. We can help you develop a tailored system that balances your power needs with the available resources, maximising both efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

To maintain optimal performance, it’s essential to establish a routine of regular maintenance and inspections for your renewable energy system. Some best practices include:

  1. Clean your solar panels or wind turbine blades periodically to remove dust, dirt, and debris that may impact their performance.
  2. Inspect your renewable energy equipment for signs of wear or damage, and address any issues as soon as possible.
  3. Maintain and monitor energy storage configurations, such as battery systems, to ensure optimal functionality.
  4. Have your renewable energy system periodically inspected by a certified professional for thorough examinations and preventative maintenance.

Balance Your Energy Consumption Patterns

Balancing your energy consumption patterns with your renewable energy system’s production rates can help maximise efficiency and align your energy usage to the times when your system generates the most energy. For example, if you have a solar panel system, consider undertaking high-energy tasks, such as running your dishwasher or doing laundry, during periods of peak sunlight.

Additionally, implementing energy-saving habits like turning off appliances when they’re not in use and replacing old electronics with more energy-efficient alternatives can further augment the efficiency of your renewable energy system.

Opt for Energy Storage Solutions

Investing in an energy storage solution, such as a battery system, can help you store excess solar or wind-generated energy for use during periods of low energy production or higher demand. By storing this energy, you can effectively reduce your reliance on the grid and ensure that your renewable energy system provides a more consistent power supply, ultimately improving its overall efficiency.

However, it’s essential to assess the costs and benefits of adding an energy storage system to your renewable energy installation, as it may not always be the most cost-effective solution.

Keep Up with Technology Advancements

Renewable energy technology is continually evolving, with new advancements and innovations emerging regularly. Staying informed about these developments can help you identify potential enhancements for your renewable energy system. For example, solar panel technology improvements have led to higher efficiency rates and longer lifespans than in the past, making it worthwhile to consider upgrading older systems.

Utilise Monitoring and Control Solutions

Monitoring and control solutions, such as smart thermostats, apps, and energy management systems, can help you track your renewable energy system’s performance, providing valuable insights into potential efficiency improvements. By continuously monitoring your system’s energy production and consumption patterns, you can identify opportunities to enhance its performance further.

These monitoring tools often provide real-time data and alerts, allowing you to address any issues promptly and maintain consistent performance levels. Consider speaking with an expert to determine the most suitable monitoring and control options for your renewable energy system.

Unlock Your Renewable Energy System’s Full Potential with Ceiba Renewables

There is a myriad of measures you can take to enhance the efficiency and performance of your renewable energy system. These expert tips, covering everything from energy audits to monitoring technology, are designed to help you make the most of your green energy investment. By implementing these strategies, you’ll enjoy even greater energy bill savings, further reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Ceiba Renewables is dedicated to providing you with the guidance and support needed to navigate the world of renewable energy. We’re here to help you maximise the benefits of your green energy system and ensure it operates optimally for years to come. Get in touch with our energy specialists now!

Celebrating Women in Renewables

Happy International Women’s Day to everyone!

I’m Debbie Crosthwaite, Director at Ceiba Renewables. On this special occasion, I’d like to share a brief overview of my journey in the renewable energy and construction industry, along with the experiences and changes I’ve witnessed.

Back in 2010, I found myself working in Hospitality Management, realising that my true passion lay outside the field I had studied – Microbiology and Immunology. As I contemplated my next steps, fate intervened. Duncan, my then relatively new boyfriend and the founder of Ceiba Renewables, faced a setback when a solar PV installation needed rescheduling. Without hesitation, I volunteered for some labour work, and as they say, the rest is history. Over time, I completed various training courses related to renewable energy, energy assessments, and SMSTS (among others), gaining confidence in all aspects of the solar PV installation process.



From the very beginning, I loved being on-site. The physicality of the work, the sense of accomplishment as clients’ systems began generating their own power, the challenges that arose and the problem-solving—all of it fuelled my passion. However, there was one aspect that consistently posed a challenge: I was almost always the sole female presence. In fact, I can’t recall ever working alongside another woman.

Whether this was my own perception or a stark reality, I felt compelled to prove myself from the moment I stepped out of the van. I needed to demonstrate strength, competence, and knowledge. The fear of making a mistake weighed on me—not just for my sake but also because I didn’t want to reinforce the belief that women didn’t belong in construction (even if it was my own internal struggle). Looking back, I realize that while people were often surprised by my presence, they were also supportive and friendly. Over time, I grew comfortable and wholeheartedly enjoyed the work I was doing.

Over the years, I’ve witnessed a positive shift in female representation within the renewables and construction industry. According to statista.com, the percentage of women in construction has increased from 12% to 16.5%. However, there’s still much work ahead to dismantle the barriers that persist for women in this field. Consider the numbers: approximately 1.8 million men are employed in construction in the UK as of the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to 297,000 women. While this upward trend is encouraging, we must continue our efforts to create a more inclusive environment.

Women bring invaluable contributions to the industry through their diverse perspectives, unique experiences, and innovative problem-solving approaches. Their presence fosters innovation and accelerates progress. At Ceiba, we recognise that the renewable energy industry is a driving force for technological change. Furthermore, We strongly believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is the key to building a sustainable future. We want to lead by example when it comes to workforce diversity but regrettably, we’ve yet to receive a female application for an electrician position. We are committed to changing that.

Fast forward 14 years – Duncan and I are now married with 2 wonderful daughters, and this personal journey gives us an even greater desire to drive change. We want to demonstrate and in-still in our daughters the belief that no path – whether in their careers or otherwise – is closed off to them. I wish they can always see the value they bring and be recognised for the significant contributions they can make to society.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day with the remarkable women at Ceiba Renewables, I encourage all women to embrace their passions, break barriers, and continue making strides in traditionally male-dominated fields. Let’s build a future where gender doesn’t limit our potential, and where every woman feels empowered to thrive.