Solar Thermal

Solar Thermal AKA Solar Water Heating uses the heat from daylight to heat your hot water cylinder thereby reducing your boiler or immersion heater usage. Our solar thermal panels on an overcast cloudy day can raise the temperature of your cylinder to 40C and on a sunny day will heat your cylinder to 60C in a short space of time meaning great savings annually on your energy bills.

An installation will normally involve changing your hot water cylinder (to one which is capable of being heated by both a boiler and a solar thermal system), installing solar thermal panels on your roof together with the necessary pipework and components to link the panels with your hot water cylinder.

Solar Thermal Benefits to You:

  • Save on energy costs and protect your home against future energy price rises
  • Benefit from RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) Premium Payment
  • Lower your carbon emissions and help protect the environment
  • Use roofspace to generate hot water for your family
  • Peace of mind with Ceiba Renewables installation & warranties

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